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This is a FREE offering to give back and share what has helped me.
This project will be in creation for years to come as I grow and learn more about business, life, God and consciousness.
My goal is to share value and share a part of my life's purpose. Gold writing means the video i completed
1. Introduction
1.1 Welcome & The Table of Content
1.2 How to use course & why i'm making it
1.3 My perspective is my own.
1.4 I reserve the right to change my mind
1.5 Building a good foundation for your life
1.6 5 regrets of the dying
1.7 My five transformative awakenings.
1.8 My view on business & life purpose
1.9 The challenges for humanity today
2. Core Concepts
2.1. What is the "Ego"?
2.2. Duality & union & paradox
2.3. Determinism & Free Will
2.4. IKIGAI, Mastery & The Myth of Talent
2.5. The creator & The competitor
2.6. Alignments of "The I - Jing"
2.7. Zone of genius & flow state
2.8. 100% Commitment
2.9. Resistance, comfort & fear of failure
3. Life Purpose
3.1. What is life purpose? Is there on?
3.2. The 4 main purposes
3.3. IKIGAI & Your life calling
3.4. Authenticity & living life true to you
3.5. Find your tribe
3.6. The Great Awakening is here
3.7. Know yourself as a creator
3.8. Be who you are. Live your genius
3.9. Enjoy the Journey!
4. The Mind
4.1. Though Form
4.2. Disciplined organizing of the mind.
4.3. What is judgement?
4.4 God thought & Personal Thought
4.5. Layers of density
4.6. Identity & limiting beliefs
4.7 Power of the subconscious Mind
4.8 Think & Grow Rich
4.9. Continuous learning education
5. Expansion & Growth
5.1. Collective Consciousness & Growth
5.2. Growth is pre - programmed
5.3. Alignments of "The I - Jing"
5.4. Growth through Identity shifting
5.5. Financial Growth & Material Growth
5.6. Physical Growth
5.7. Personal Growth
6. Love & Devotion
6.1. All lessons in the name of Love
6.2. Focus on what you love
6.3. Sacred Union with God
6.4. Sacred Union with my Beloved
6.5. Unconditional Love
6.6. Love of challenge
6.7. Contribution
6.8. 26 Qualities of Bakhti Yoga
6.9. Wisdom through suffering
7. Values, Gifts, & Weaknesses
7.1. Lower values & higher values
7.2. Values assessment #1
7.3. Values assessment #2
7.4 Values assessment #3
7.5 Values assessment #4
7.6. Values assessment #5
7.7. Values assessment #6
7.8. Gifts & Weaknesses Assessment
7.9. Your Zone of Genius
8. Purpose, Mission & Vision
8.1. Life Purpose Worksheet #1
8.2. Life Purpose Worksheet #2
8.3. Life Purpose Worksheet #3
8.4. Life Purpose Worksheet #4
8.5. Life Purpose Worksheet #5
8.6. Your mission & purpose Statement
8.7. Establish your medium
8.8. Finding your niche
8.9. Crafting "Your Painter Picture"
9. Spirituality - Contemplation
9.1. Self Inquiry & Contemplation
9.2. Direct experience of truth
9.3. The appearance of seperation
9.4. The appearance of death
9.5. The appearance of time
9.6. Meditation & emptiness
9.7. Belief, faith & knowing
9.8. Supreme intelligence
9.9. The desire to know more
9. Spirituality - Medicine Work
9.10. Decision to walk a spiritual path
9.11. Opening your awareness to spirit
9.12. Pray for what you want
9.13. Earth wisdom & Gods of Hinduism
9.14. Music & Sound
9.15. Gratitude
9.16. Re - incarnation
9.17. Buddhism
9.18. Ayni
9. Spirituality - Lessons & Insight
9.19. Ceremony & Community
9.20. "Life is very easy"
9.21. The fear of death. Write Your Eulogy
9.22. Duality & Free Will
9.23. Teacher & Mentors
9.24. Boundaries
9.25. The world is perfect.
9.26. Enlightenment
9.27. Realization
9. Spirituality - Plant Medicine
9.28. Plant Medicine.
9.29. Ayahuasca
9.30. Huachuma
9.31. Psilocybin Mushrooms
9.32. Teaching of the medicine wheel
9.33. It's made of Light
9.34. Past, Future, & Presence
9.35. Spiritual Abundence
9.36. Opening your awareness of spirit
10. Entrepreneurship
10.1. The Role of an Entrepreneur
10.2. Detachment from outcome
10.3. Staying Focused for 10 years
10.4. Annual Strategic Planning
10.5. The Annual Business Plan
10.6. Building SOP's
10.7. Creating Value & Abundance
10.8. How to Learn Skills
10.9. Habit Creation
11. Business & Money
11.1. What is Money
11.2. Money in, Money out (my degree)
11.3. Monetary Policy & Fiscal Policy
11.4. Budgeting
11.5. Succession & Estate Planning
11.7. Bitcoin & The Future of Money
12. Wealth & Investment
12.1. The Power of Compounding
12.2. Printing, Inflation & The Problem
12.3. Everyone Must Learn to Invest
12.4. How to Start Investing
12.5. Asset Classes
12.6. Real Estate
12.7. Allocating Capital
12.8. Succession & Estate Planning
12.9. 10% Rule & Dollar Cost Averaging
13. Taking Action!
13.1. Setting Goals
13.2. Tracking Progress
13.3. Accountability
13.4. Mastermind Groups & Community
13.5. Roadblocks & Failure
13.6. Get a coach who has been there!
13.7. Priority Management
13.8. Mastery & the rule of 10,000
13.9. Skill Development & Habit Creation
Recommended Reading
The Power of Now
Mastery: By Robert Greene
Rich Dad Poor Dad: by Robert Kiyosaki
The Way of the Superior Man: By David Dieda
Recommended Reading
Bonus 1 -Men's Work & Leadership
14.1. What is Men's work
14.2 The Way of the Superior Man
14.3. The path of the Warrior Sage
14.4. The Rise of Men's Work
Bonus 2 - Sacred Union & Sexuality
15.1. Polarity
15.2. Male & Female Energy
15.3. Devotion
15.4. Polyamory is Not "The Path"
15.5. Ejaculation & The Seed of Creation
15.6. Know yourself as the creator
Bonus 3 - The Physical Body
19.1. Your Physical Body
19.2. Staying in Optimal Fitness
19.3. "The Daily 100"
19.4. How I drink & Eat
19.5. "Healthy to 100"
19.6. The Benefits of a Long Life
19.7. Overcoming Addiction
19.8. Breath Work
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